Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I don't even know what to say. Longer post to follow......

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cocoa Classic

I participated in a 5k Sunday with friends. Further details to follow. :-)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On the road to fitness

I was always the person who looked at the people signing up for 5K's and thought they were insane. When I started my fitness journey a year ago, I had vague thoughts in mind of completing a 5K (walking of course) but didn't really think it would ever happen. For the first few months I was doing Weight Watchers I did not focus on activity at all as I wanted to get down the healthy eating first. After a few months of monitoring my intake and tracking everything that went in my mouth, I decided that I was ready to add some activity. I started walking whenever I could and for as long as I could at a time. Initially when I started walking I could only walk less than a mile before getting tired. As I continued to walk, I found that I could go farther and farther without feeling tired. I felt amazing after a long walk. That feeling made me think that maybe, just maybe I could do a 5k (walking of course). So I signed up for my first 5k, which was the Dewitt YMCA Fun Run. This took place June 9, 2013. I knew I was not ready to do any jogging at that time, but felt ready to walk the entire thing. I had a buddy walking with me, and finished in 50 minutes and 25 seconds.
July was my 2nd 5k. This one was a nontimed event, and took place on trails. I walked this with two of my aunts, and we had a great time just enjoying the trails and getting in some awesome activity.
My next 5k was the Mint City 5k at the beginning of August. Again, I did this with a buddy. However, this one was a little different. I had been doing the couch to 5 k for a bit at this time, and decided I was going to try to jog some of this one. I alternated walking with jogging and finished this one in 45 minutes and 42 seconds, which was a 14:45/M mile. Yay!!!
This was a huge boost to my confidence and so I decided to sign up for another 5k. I signed up for the Color Me Rad in October with a group of friends and my daughter. This one we knew was going to be a little different as it would be crowded and difficult to run. The night before the race we all got together and made tutus (which we totally rocked at the race). When we arrived at the race, we decided we would just run however much we could and walk the rest. We all finished in less than an hour, which we thought was pretty good considering in spots it was single file.
The next fun run was a Zombie Run with friends. We sprinted around the St. Johns City Park to escape from the "zombies". We were rewarded with cider and donuts at the end.
November was the Turkeyman Trot 5k. I was not certain I would be doing this one, but my friend talked me into it. We bundled up early in the morning in 14 degree weather and rocked that 5k! I again did my walk/jog pattern and finished with a time of 43 minutes and 39 seconds, 14:05/M mile. Which I am happy to says is 2 whole minutes better than my last 5k record! I was on a roll.
December brought yet another 5k to my list of events. This was the Ugly Sweater Run in Grand Rapids. Again, myself and a group of friends decided to sign up. (Do you see a theme here? My friends are great motivators.) We found the ugliest sweaters we could, bundled up and braved the cold. Then we walk/jogged our way to sweet success at an awesome 5k. We loved every one of our races, and I already have plans for some races for next year.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, those ones are going to be with friends as well. :)
Right now I have the Warrior Dash on my agenda for July and will be signing up for the Mint City 5k again. 2013 was a great year, and I plan to make 2014 even better..................
Remember, whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
June 2013

June 2013

July 2013
August 2013

August 2013

August 2013
October 2013

October 2013

October 2013

October 2013

November 2013
December 2013

December 2013

December 2013

October 2013
June 2013

Friday, January 3, 2014

Success is........

Never a straight line to the top. Do not let yourself get discouraged. Success involves a lot of ups, downs, and sideways detours to get to the ultimate destination. You will get there, just keep working towards your goals.

New day

As I mentioned yesterday, I struggled with staying focused during the holiday season. Translation- I let myself go completely crazy. I did however attend a Weight Watchers meeting today and face the scales. :-) I went up 6 pounds during the holiday season. However, today is a new day. Time to get serious again.....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!

2013 was an intriguing year for me. I had an epiphany and realized that I was the only person who could take charge of my life and become healthier. I joined Weight Watchers on January 2, 2013 at a weight of 278.4 pounds. I had already lost about 20 pounds on my own prior to joining Weight Watchers. I was miserable, felt fat and ugly and hated my body. I honestly cannot say what "clicked" at that time but something fell into place. Over the course of the year I lost 75 pounds, and gained an immense amount of confidence. I have struggled a bit during the holidays but am still working on losing another 28 pounds. My short term goal is to reach the goal of being under 200 pounds. After that, my goal is to get to 175 pounds and then see how I feel. The top picture is December 25, 2012. Middle picture is December 25, 2013. What a difference a year can make! Bottom picture is December 31, 2013. Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March is a bad month

I have mixed feelings about March. It was Miranda and my mom's birthday. However, it is also the anniversary of their deaths. Enough said.
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